Educational Programming

Learn about habitats and explore biodiversity (Habitat Heroes) or engage in hands-on building programs (Nailed it!) at the MacLachlan Woodworking Museum.

Education program photo
Bird Nests photo
For Educators

Booking a Program

We are now accepting booking requests for programs in Late March - June 2024 at our museum! 

If you are interested in participating in any of these programs or if you have any further questions, please fill out the form below. A team member will contact you to confirm details. 

Link to Form: 

Please submit your program request at least 2 weeks in advance of your requested date.

Program 2024 Fee Description
(75-90 minute)
$4.80 A 75-90 minute hands-on program
(Half Day)
$8.70 A 2-hour hands-on program
(Full Day)

Two programs (75-90 minutes each) plus a 1-hour lunch break**.

Youth  $7.21* Program for 13-24 years 
Adult $7.21* Adult education program
Senior $7.21* Program for 65+ years

*Prices are subject to HST.
Free admission for chaperones.

**Lunch can take place on the terrace (weather permitting) with teacher supervision.

Groups are encouraged to share a bus and arrive with two classes. We can accommodate a maximum of 40 students at a time, but many take advantage of beautiful Grass Creek Park for a picnic or outdoor games while waiting. For information on Grass Creek Park facilities, please call 613‐544‐4442.

Program Descriptions

Nailed It!

Nailed It! will teach participants about a variety of trees, the differences between soft and hard woods, and how to use both heritage and modern tools while woodworking. They will use what they learned throughout the program to design and build a wooden creation to take home. 

Tailored for children from kindergarten to grade 8. 

*Available from end of March 2024

Habitat Heroes

Participants will learn about local species and habitats while developing awareness of how their actions can help or harm local ecosystems. Content will include guided tours of the MacLachlan property, a stewardship-focused game and the opportunity to create bug hotels to take home. 

Tailored for children from kindergarten to grade 8. 

*Available starting April 2024